
Add Content After Theia Post Slider

// slider function my_custom_function( $html) { $html .= ‘ ‘; $html .= get_post_field(‘post_content’, $post_id); $html .= ‘ ‘; return $html; } $priority = 10; add_filter( ‘tps_the_content_after’, ‘my_custom_function’, $priority, 2 ); wp_register_script(‘clickmag’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/js/slider-handlers.js’, array(‘jquery’), ”, true);


Allow WordPress Contributors to Upload Images, Not All Kind of Files

Go dashboard -> Appearance -> Theme Editor -> Theme Functions Add the following php code // Let Contributor Role to Upload Media if( current_user_can( ‘contributor’ ) && ! current_user_can( ‘upload_files’ ) ) add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘allow_contributor_uploads’ ); function allow_contributor_uploads() { $contributor = get_role( ‘contributor’ ); $contributor->add_cap( ‘upload_files’ ); } // Upload Images Only add_filter(‘upload_mimes’, ‘custom_upload_mimes’); function …

Coupons Promo Code: Why Google Rank with Fake Coupons? promo code

I’m looking for new coupons to renew my .com domain today, but can’t find valid ones. Usually, I search “ promo code” on Google, maybe 2 years ago, the site “” ranks No.1 for a long time, the site always provides new valid coupons for and other sites, while “” and “” these sites rank …


JS Change the Webpage Content Without Refresh

Copy the follow js code, and paste it in the browser address bar, press Enter, then you can change anything on the webpage without refresh! javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0 Or Drag the highlighted text into your bookmarks bar. And then click the icon whenever you want to edit any page!