Author: David


How to Remove Blank Thumbnails from WordPress Media Library After Direct FTP Deletion

If you’ve directly deleted images uploaded to WordPress using FTP or another method, you might notice that your WordPress Media Library still displays blank thumbnails of the deleted images. This can be frustrating, especially after trying various plugins like Advanced Database Cleaner and Media Cleaner without success. However, there’s a straightforward solution to this issue …

Internet Resource

How to Add Alt, Title, Description to Your WordPress Images Without Plugins

If you want to enhance your WordPress site’s SEO and accessibility by adding alt, title, and description attributes to your images automatically, you can do so without using any plugins. By adding a few lines of custom code to your theme’s functions.php file, you can ensure that every image you upload has these attributes correctly …


Enhancing User Engagement with Infinite Scrolling in WordPress

Implementing infinite scrolling on your WordPress site can significantly enhance user engagement by providing a seamless browsing experience. This technique allows readers to continuously view content without manual pagination, keeping them engaged for longer periods. Implementing Infinite Scrolling in WordPress Introduction Infinite scrolling is a popular feature on modern websites, particularly beneficial for blogs and …


How to Add a Pinterest Button to Images on Your Website

In this post, I’ll teach you how to add a Pinterest button on your website without plugins, and the images will always display on your images, not mouse hover to display the button. In the era of digital marketing and social media, integrating platforms like Pinterest into your website can significantly enhance your content’s reach …

Premium Wordpress Themes

Discover the Best AI WordPress Themes for 2024: Revolutionize Your Website

Are you ready to elevate your website game with cutting-edge technology? Look no further than AI WordPress themes! In 2024, the digital landscape is all about harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to create stunning, user-friendly, and highly functional websites. Whether you’re a seasoned web designer or a beginner, these AI-driven themes will transform your …


How to Customize WordPress Thumbnail Cropping to Focus on the Top Part of Images

If you’re looking to customize the default behavior of WordPress thumbnail cropping to focus on the top part of your images, you’ve come to the right place. By default, WordPress crops thumbnails from the center, which might not always be ideal, especially if you want to emphasize the top section of your images. Here, we’ll …


Windows 11 Taskbar File Explorer Keeps Crashing, BIB.dll_unloaded

I used Windows 11, and the File Explorer on the taskbar keeps crashing. To find out the reason: Click Control Panel, then System and Security, then Security and Maintenance, then Maintenance, and finally, View reliability history. Locate the crashed software, and click to view the reason. Later, I found that explorer.exe crashed, BIB.dll_unloaded. Later investigation …

Free WordPress Themes, Premium Wordpress Themes

20 Best Fashion Magazine WordPress Themes 2022

You’re looking for the best free or premium fashion magazine WordPress themes for your new fashion, style, makeup-related website, right? You can find lot classic WordPress themes are designed for personal blogs or just for businesses, these kind of designs often lack of the the function and styles you want to see from the fashion, …

Internet Resource

How to Bulk Update/Edits WordPress Content, Post Titles, Meta

I’m going to bulk update all the WordPress post content, post titles, post meta via mysql. Please make sure you have backed up your database before you do anything! Bulk update/edit WordPress titles Bulk update/edit WordPress post date Bulk update/edit WordPress Post Content I’m going to update all my images’ urls from http to hppts

Internet Resource

[solved]#1449 – The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema’@’localhost’) does not exist

I updated the mysql from 5.0 to mysql 8.0 today, everything seemed smooth before I restarted the server, I changed the “nginx 301 https”, then restarted the service, I got this error: Then I login the mysql, I got this error: I checked all the solutions on the internet, and I used the following solution, …