Category: Internet Resource

Internet Resource

How to Add Alt, Title, Description to Your WordPress Images Without Plugins

If you want to enhance your WordPress site’s SEO and accessibility by adding alt, title, and description attributes to your images automatically, you can do so without using any plugins. By adding a few lines of custom code to your theme’s functions.php file, you can ensure that every image you upload has these attributes correctly …

Internet Resource

How to Bulk Update/Edits WordPress Content, Post Titles, Meta

I’m going to bulk update all the WordPress post content, post titles, post meta via mysql. Please make sure you have backed up your database before you do anything! Bulk update/edit WordPress titles Bulk update/edit WordPress post date Bulk update/edit WordPress Post Content I’m going to update all my images’ urls from http to hppts

Internet Resource

[solved]#1449 – The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema’@’localhost’) does not exist

I updated the mysql from 5.0 to mysql 8.0 today, everything seemed smooth before I restarted the server, I changed the “nginx 301 https”, then restarted the service, I got this error: Then I login the mysql, I got this error: I checked all the solutions on the internet, and I used the following solution, …

Internet Resource

WordPress 5.0 Download and WordPress 5.0 Themes

WordPress 5.0 Download and WordPress 5.0 Themes

Have you downloaded the latest new version of WordPress 5.0 yet? You can download the latest new version WordPress 5.0 here. And here you can download the WordPress 5.0 new theme Twenty Nineteen here. Test the new editor today. You can take Gutenberg for a spin (and share your feedback, if you’d like) before we officially …

Internet Resource

How to Remove Google AMP in the URL, AMP url Got 404 Error

How to Remove Google AMP in the URL, AMP url Got 404 Error

Weeks ago, I want to try the Google’s AMP services, I installed AMP plugins AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages from, after several  days, I found my page views and earnings drop a lot, then I think there are may some problems with the AMP plugin. I disabled the amp plugin and found the traffic and …

Internet Resource

Gravity Forms Coupon Code: 50% OFF

Gravity Forms BLACKFRIDAY Discount: 50% off developers license upgrade. Use Gravity Forms coupon code ‘BLACKFRIDAY’. Offer expires 1 December, 2010. If you are going to buy Gravity Forms, which is a popular wordpress forms management plugin, why not use Gravity Forms Coupon Code to get 50% off now? I’ve been using Gravity Forms on some …