Internet Resource

A List for The Most Complete AJAX Framework and JavaScript Libraries

Ajax framework can help us to quickly develop web pages that can call web services and server pages through javascript without having to submit the current page.Recent Web-applications tend to use them to provide more interactivity and guarantee better functionality.There are hundreds of Ajax/JavaScript frameworks available — I spent some days to gather the most …

Internet Resource

How to Seperate Comments and Trackbacks

Most wordpress themes out there (by default) combine both comments and trackbacks / pingbacks together and display under the same list. But why bother separating them? Simply to make things looks more organize so your blog commenters have a clearer picture what are the comments, what’s not. Doing it is not hard, but you need …

Internet Resource

Cricket Nirvana Releases AIR Cricket Desktop

I know that most Americans would not rank cricket as one of their favorite sports. Heck, I think most Americans are not quite sure what cricket is, other than it being loosely related to baseball (make that very loosely) and that it uses funny shaped bats. But outside of the U.S. cricket is a very …

Internet Resource

Adobe AIR Twitter Client For Desktop -Spaz

Spaz is another free Twitter client for desktop worth checking out. It is open-source, and because it runs using Adobe AIR you bet it’s cross-platformed. Spaz performs most of the functions a normal desktop Twitter client would (send/receive tweets, stream public tweets, etc) but extra customization support. It comes with 4 themes/skin to choose from, …