
How to Null WP Rocket Plugin

For this method, you need to have the original, not nulled  WP-Rocket plugin source.

Don’t download the already nulled version of WP Rocket plugin, as someone may add some bad script in the code.

Here are the steps to null the wp rocket plugin:

  1.  Open your not nulled wp-rocket plugin zip file. then go to /inc/functions and open options.php
  2.  Find the following code (line 460):
    function rocket_valid_key() {
    $rocket_secret_key = get_rocket_option( ‘secret_key’ );
    if ( ! $rocket_secret_key ) {
    return  false;
    null wp-rocket plugin
  3. Change the ” false” to “true”
  4. save changes to options.php file. now you have 100% working nulled WP-Rocket Plugin .