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StudioPress Genesis Theme And Genesis Child Themes

The Genesis theme is a wordpress theme framework from, which is an easy to use,professional,simple wordpress theme,and there are a lot well designed beautiful child themes.Because of this, there are a lot wordpress users are using this theme framework,you can design your own unique wordpress layouts.

  1. Studiopress Genesis Theme
  2. Review of Genesis Theme

And here are some child themes of Genesis.There are 3 professional child themes at present, and more will add in the future.( You can donwload all 14 professional studiopress themes and Genesis theme and Genesis child themes if you have joined the pro-plus member.)

Studiopress Genesis Child Themes:

Genesis Platinum Child Theme
platinum magazine wordpress theme

Genesis Child Theme: Mocha
women mocha wordpress theme

Executive Child Theme
executive genesis child theme

Download Genesis Theme Now!
Use the latest new 2010 studiopress discount code: BH10 to get 10% off of the price.
If you want to buy all 14 themes + Genesis + Child themes + future Themes= just for $249.95, and you can use the studio press coupons. Buy now when the price is low! Click here to buy studiopress themes.