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How to Hidden Ugly Affiliate Links In WordPress

Most of the affiliate links are ugly, and you want to hid it or make it beautiful, you may use the short url just like or to hid the ugly long url. In fact these urls are not that friendly as the readers think,  the most trustful links are from your own domain.

You may have seen these urls just like: These urls are beautiful and trustful, there is a WordPress plugin that can transform your blog into a URL redirection central. GoCodes enables you to create custom URLs inside your domain that will redirect the user to any website or page on the Internet.

How to Hidden Ugly Affiliate Links In WordPress

This is really a fantastic wordpress plugin, and a lot blogger use this, you can have seen these urls times.Suppose you have a ref url from clickbank just like: or some other casino games ref staff, you can change the urls, say, Instead of using that URL, therefore, you could use the plugin to create a redirection on your blog, say

Never mind you can not create nofollow redirects
if you often create redirects to sites that you don’t particularly trust. you can automatically nofollow the redirects. Just go to the GoCodes Settings page (Settings -> GoCodes) and tick the Nofollow checkbox. This will instruct GoCodes to send a “noindex, nofollow” message to search engines accessing a redirect.

Also, this cool wordpress url plugin count the clicks, it can track the number of times the redirect is used.Very cool right? Enjoy the wordpress url redirect tool.
Notice:There seems to be a conflict with the WP Super Cache plugin where a redirect will only work once before the cache is cleared. There is a workaround, though. All you have to do is add “index.php” on a new line in the “Rejected URLs” field of the WP Super Cache options page. This will disable cacheing of the page Generally, this shouldn’t be too big of an issue, as visitors will rarely add the /index.php when they visit your blog.