BackupBuddy Review: The Best WordPress Backup Plugin Ever!

BackupBuddy is a tool offered on the popular PluginBuddy website, and is a great investment for anyone who seriously wants to protect their WordPress site by backing it up to one of a number of options. It has been around for a few years now and has gained a large following among WordPress impresarios, so perhaps it is about time you thought about protecting your site from any of the misfortunes that could fall on it? Take a read through this BackupBuddy review to see why we like this handy tool so much…

What Exactly is BackupBuddy?

Best wordpress backup plugin: backupbuddy
Do you run a WordPress website that you’ve spent years nurturing and turning into a profitable enterprise? Now imagine that something happens, such as the site is hacked or there is a problem with the server it is stored on. Normally you would have to rebuild your site from the bottom up – a process which could take weeks or even months – but with BackupBuddy you can simply use the version that you have saved to have your site up and running again in a matter of hours.

BackupBuddy Features

There are three basic features to BackupBuddy, and these are:

  • Backup. Use this to backup the entire WordPress install on your site, including any plugins, widgets and the SQL database. You can even schedule the plugin to automatically backup your website so that you don’t have to manually complete the task every time – and also just in case you forget!
  • Restore. If you do need to restore your site, the process is unbelievably simple. All you do is upload the importbuddy.php script and your backup file, and everything will be back just the way you left it! This simplicity is certainly the part that impresses this BackupBuddy review the most!
  • Migrate. This plugin is able to easily migrate a site to another server or domain, therefore taking away the headache that this task can often bring with it.

BackupBuddy Support

The support for BackupBuddy – which is provided by PluginBuddy – is very good, as they surely realise that they are being entrusted with the future of your site in many cases. The main place that you will find yourself heading to with any queries is the support forum, where members post their questions and wait for one of the staff members to get back to them. There is also the option to contact them directly with any queries, although this BackupBuddy review found that the forum was both quicker and more detailed in its responses.

BackupBuddy Pricing

There are three tiers to the pricing for BackupBuddy and these tiers are basically ordered by the amount of sites that you can use this tool on. The cheapest of these comes in at $75 and allows two different sites to be backed up, the next costs $100 and has the capacity to support 10 sites and the final gives the customer the option to backup as many sites as they want, and costs $150. There is no way which of these this BackupBuddy review can recommend for you personally, as only you know how many sites you need to protect. And you can use the backupbuddy coupon codes to save.

BackupBuddy Conclusion

In conclusion, BackupBuddy is a great tool for those who have WordPress sites that they rely on for income, as it will ensure that business continuity can be maintained in the event of the site going wrong in some way. We probably wouldn’t recommend it for those using WordPress simply for their own personal blogging needs though – unless the blog that you run happens to be one of the more successful ones online!

I have purchased the backupbuddy unlimited sites license, I have published a post on how to use backupbuddy here.